Thursday, November 28, 2013

I remember when

Today is Thanksgiving Day, 2013! I have many years of memories. Today we are making new ones for our very own.
My first memory of anything is my Thanksgiving from my fifth year of life.
We were planning to go see my grandparents.  My dad showed up totally drunk...wasted...and tried driving us anyway. My momma got me out of the car, with me kicking and screaming because I wanted to go to granny's and my cat was jumping into the back seat. She got run over because I wouldn't get out....then she got me out and ran us inside. Locked the door. She ran to her room to call family. My dad knocked on door and my lil brother let him in. He yelled alot. I remember hearing him say divorce papers in the morning,  and He left. We left and went to our neighbors. Not my best memory, just the first one I have.
I am so glad my own children do not have to live like that.
Ventilation of some of the more toxic memories is supposed to help. We shall see.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My very on spark

I have wanted to write since I was a little girl. I used to enter writing contests, and even won a few. I have started a lot more blogs than I care to publicly admit. I've tried written certain types of things. Things the other women have successfully blogged about, and written about. The problem was me. I can not write like other women, I can not be like them because I am me.
I have my own life, the good, the bad, and the ugly...and it is only going to be told by me.
I don't have a life changing story about my Sterling silver life with all sunshine and rainbows. I only have the truth. The life I am happy to claim as mine. Even with it's many successes and failures, it is mine and I wouldn't have it any other way.